Our fees include breakfast, lunch, afternoon snacks & drinks
including cow's milk.
£90.00 Full Day £45.00 Half Day
We offer a sibling discount - get in touch for details.
Free settling in
We offer parents free settling in sessions for up to a week. The settling in period is designed to introduce your child to our setting and gives you the opportunity to discuss with our staff your childs individual needs.
Childcare Vouchers
We accept all childcare vouchers. Please contact us to know more about our childcare vouchers scheme.
Free childcare
We have spaces for parents wishing to take up the government funded childcare. Government funding means that a child is entitled to a total of 15 funded hours per week, per term or 30 funded hours per term, depending on circumstances.
Every child is entitled to government funding when they turn 3 years old. The childrens birthday must fall before the cut-off date in order to receive the funding in the following term.
The dates by term are:
Autumn Term (September to December): 31st of August.
Spring Term (January to April): 31st of December.
Summer Term (May to August): 31st of March.
2 year olds are also entitled to government funding providing the parents meet one of the following:
A household income of less than £16,190 per year
Are in receipt of Job Seekers Allowance
Are in receipt of income support
Are in receipt of Employment and Support Allowance
Parents often have questions regarding government funding we would love to help answer any questions you may have.